Squash, Racquetball & Wallyball Courts

Court Rates

Squash, Racquetball & Four-Wall Handball Courts

  • ACA members: $20.00 + GST per hour per court

  • Non-members: $25.00 + GST per hour per court

Wallyball Courts

* Wallyball courts can only be booked by calling the front desk at (403) 255-1252 or by emailing your booking request to info@acadiarec.com *

  • ACA members: $30.00 + GST per hour per court

  • Non-members: $35.00 + GST per hour per court

Punch Cards

Squash, Racquetball & Four-Wall Handball Courts

Pay for 4 and get the 5th court free!

  • ACA members: $80.00 + GST

  • Non-members: $100.00 + GST

Wallyball Courts

* Walleyball courts can only be booked by calling the front desk at (403) 255-1252 or by emailing your booking request to info@acadiarec.com *

  • ACA members: $120.00 + GST

  • Non-members: $140.00 + GST


  • Open weekends & weekdays

  • Two squash courts

  • Two Pickleball Courts

  • Three racquetball / wallyball / four-wall handball courts